Expectations for 2016

looking ahead

What’s it going to take for your company to be successful next year?

In may cases the last quarter of the year is when most companies start thinking about the  business challenges of the coming year. That also means planning on how to meet those expectations.

There has likely been a number of discussions around who can step up, step sideways or step out the door. That leads to the next discussion – who will need to be invited in to help execute on the next year’s strategy? We all know that successful execution of any plan is dependent on people – the right people. This means mobilizing your talent plan.

christmasChances are that most companies have been interviewing candidates and evaluating their fit into the team. Some lucky companies have found their ‘fit’ and have all of their ducks in a row for Monday, January 4th. (It is human nature to think the world begins again on the first Monday of the new year.)

Now you see it, now you don’t

It’s true. Talent is not plentiful right now and is becoming more elusive as we speak. It seems all of the good work that has been done by the HR Team is not as expedient as it once was. Great talent are not readily available and make things more complicated when there are multiple options available to them. Did anyone say ‘price wars’?

This doesn’t mean you’ve lost the war – it just means reality has sunk in. It’s tough out there. Recruitment is becoming more driven by connectivity, reputation and culture. It takes patience, romancing and negotiation.

Yes, there are definitely clear signs that business is on an upward trend and candidates are slim to none. Don’t despair. If calling in a partner to work with your team in January needs to happen, let’s talk about when to schedule that first call and make the arrangements to meet ‘next year’.

People, not profits, make companies successful

Wrapping up the Year

keep calmSo for now, the corporate Christmas parties are almost daily and some days the afternoon get-together is followed by an evening celebration.

It is definitely the season to be merry and expect to kick up the blood sugar levels with decadent eating and drinking. Maybe even engage in a conversation or two about planning next year’s party expectations in an exotic location….yeah, right, maybe that is the ‘liquid cheer’ talking…..

Productivity just may dip next week, so there is time to catch up over the phone if you want to chat. Thursday is Christmas Eve, so the year is almost done.

In closing

Last year someone sent me a Christmas song. Please sing along…. 

12 Days of Recruitment with me

On the first day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
A sales person with no CV

On the second day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
A lawyer who was prone to disagree

On the third day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
Said money wasn’t important – refused the job for a higher fee!

On the fourth day of Christmas, a client came to me:
Told me that he hated me

On the fifth day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
Said I won’t find a higher billing consultant than she

On the sixth day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
An engineer who drew diagrams all over my ToB!

On the seventh day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
A techie who didn’t want coffee, water, to take their jacket off or even tea!

On the eighth day of Christmas, a client came to me:
Called me a CV sh***ing dancing monkey!

On the ninth day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
A name dropper stumped by “Nope, I don’t know them, do you have a degree?”

On the tenth day of Christmas, a candidate came to me:
An HR Manager on a contract reading spree

On the eleventh day of Christmas, a client came to me:
Cried with happiness about a placement to be

On the twelfth day of Christmas my software provider gave to me:
A blog which was a load of moldy old Brie!

jks talent network

Merry Everything & Happy Always!


Solving IT Search & Leadership Challenges

JKS Talent Network is an exclusive Priority Search Practice specialized in the recruitment of Mid-Management to Executive Level Talent. We yse a fresh perspective and a purposeful approach.

Contact by email or call Janis directly @ (604) 731-2073  

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Expect More Than a Recruiter with Talent Search Consultant Janis Strathearn

