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“When Janis connected with me about a job opportunity I honestly had no idea what to expect as this was a new type of interaction for me. What followed was such a positive experience. Her friendly professional attitude, understanding and guidance of what it takes to be considered for getting that great job in today’s competitive market were invaluable.”

~Senior Business Analyst, Financial Services


Labour Day 2020 is a Different September

Many things may be different this year, but the one thing that will never change is the changing of the seasons! September is one of those months of transition and if you follow numerology, it is a Power Month. Let’s go [ … ] Read More

Who’s Afraid of Friday the 13th, really?

Friday the 13th is a date you can’t avoid. At least once a year, this infamous day will appear on the calendar, and in 2024, we have two: the first on Friday, September 13th, and the second in December. This seemingly [ … ] Read More

Let’s Talk Talent

“The toughest decisions in organizations are people decisions — hiring, firing, and promoting people. These are the decisions that receive the least attention and are the ones that are the hardest to “unmake.”

~ Peter Drucker “the founding father of the study of management” 

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