Many things may be different this year, but the one thing that will never change is the changing of the seasons! September is one of those months of transition and if you follow numerology, it is a Power Month. Let’s go with that this year!
‘Thirty days hath September’
September means summer is turning into fall. This brings a change in the colour of our gardens, parks, and vistas. There are going to be cooler evenings, an abundance of fall fruits, the autumn equinox, and the Harvest Moon.
September is not a month to ignore. It cannot be swept under the carpet – even this year! Whether or not kids will be returning to school full time or part-time, indoor or outdoor, everyone will be learning something new. Yes, everything we have learned this year will be applied in the fall. We are all going to experience personal growth and lessons will be learned.

September also means the end of the third quarter of our year. There will also be discussions about how to best deal with meeting year-end objectives. How do we adjust our plans? Will we be feeling optimistic and adding new people to our teams? What 4th quarter strategies need to be firmed up? Some may even be thinking the timing is right to explore their next role. September is that month to take a good look around and shift into full gear.
Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.
In addition to being famous for Labour Day, here are a few more facts about September
- The name September comes from the old Roman word “septem”. September was the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 46 BC, when the start of the new year shifted from March to January
- September is the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar and the only month with the same number of English letters in its name as the number of the month
- Every year September begins on the same day of the week as December
- No other month ends on the same day of the week as September
- On an average September day, more babies are born in the U.S. than on a day in any other month
- In the UK, September 26 is the most common birthday for people born in the last 20 years.
- The September Equinox in British Columbia, Canada will fall on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, at 6:30 am PDT. This will be the seasonal signpost in the Earth’s orbit around the sun. This is officially the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere
- Most years, the Harvest Moon (full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox) is normally in September, but around every three years, it happens in October. This year the full moon will shine on October 1st
- The zodiac signs for September are Virgo (August 23 – September 22) and Libra (September 23 – October 22)
- The first Labour Day was originally a U.S. Legal public holiday and celebrated on September 3, 1894
- The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were established on September 1, 1905
- Mickey Mouse made his debut on September 19th, 1928
- On September 1, 1939, World War II began in Europe when the German troops invaded Poland
- Originating in 1978, September 8th is Grandparents Day – always the first Sunday after Labour Day
- September 16th is Working Parents Day – this includes Moms that work (hard!) at home
- There are five Jewish holidays celebrated in September (or early October) Rosh Ha-Shanah (New Year); Tzom Gedaliah); Yom Kippu); Sukkot and Simhat
- September 25 is National One-Hit Wonder Day, honouring rock singers and groups that had just one hit record
- September 11th will forever be etched into the memory of all around the world.
And not to be overlooked is my personal favorite – September 4th, National Eat an Extra Dessert Day
Whatever your plans for this long weekend, I hope your “changing of the guard”, will be safe, calm, kind and have as much fun fit into it as possible. These will be our last days of summer 2020. Enjoy! The next stage of your development begins promptly on Tuesday, September 8th!