The Year of the Wood Horse is “WU”


The new Moon on January 30 at 11:20 pm PST (but listed as January 31 in many calendars) begins the Year of the Wood Horse and celebrations will last for 15 days. Wood is related to tree or green so 2014 is also called Year of Green Horse. Whether you say Gong Xi Fa Cai, which is Mandarin, or Gung Hay Fat Choy, which is Cantonese, it all means the same thing – “Best wishes and Congratulations. Have a prosperous and good year.”

The year of the Wood Horse is said to be a year for those who are ready for a thrilling year. It is a time of fast victories, unexpected adventure, and surprising romance. It is an excellent year for travel, and the more far away and off the beaten path the better. Energy is high and production is rewarded. Decisive action, not procrastination, brings victory. When presented with opportunities a person must grab them if they want a prosperous year. But one will have to act fast in a Horse year. If you are not 100% secure about a decision, then don’t do it. Events move so quickly in a Horse year that you don’t want to gallop off in the wrong direction.

Year of the Horse People

herd-of-horses-in-sunrise-20174921The Horse is the seventh sign of the lunar calendar. Horse people are born in the years 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930, 1918. Both the Dragon (2012) and the Horse (2014) are auspicious symbols. The Chinese believe that the best flyer in the sky is the Dragon and the best runner on the ground is the Horse. The Dragon and the Horse are the symbols of high-ranking, outstanding and noble leadership.

People born in the Year of the Horse are believed to be hard-working, high-spirited, smart, sophisticated and talented. It is also thought that Horses do not like to be restrained and tend to be impatient. The intelligent horse is performance and success oriented. They are highly intuitive and follow their hunches. Horses will tell you exactly what is on their mind; they are frank and dislike hidden agendas. So this is the year for Horse people to be out in the open, especially with family members.

Elements for each year

In addition to the 12 Zodiac signs in the Chinese calendar, there are also five alchemical elements:

  • Wood
  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Metal
  • Water

The year 2014 is the Year of the Wood Horse (Wu). Wood Horse years are 1894, 1954, 2014. This will be a time of fast victories, unexpected adventure, and surprising romance. It is an excellent year for travel, and the more far away and off the beaten path the better. Energy is high and production is rewarded. Decisive action, not procrastination, brings victory. But you have to act fast in a Horse year. If you are not 100% secure about a decision, then don’t do it. Events move so quickly in a Horse year that you don’t want to gallop off in the wrong direction.

Horse is associated with fire and is considered the strongest fire animal in the 12 zodiac signs. People born in the year of the Wood Horse are friendly, cooperative and less impatient than other Horses. This type of Horse could be the most reasonable of the lot however will still resist being dominated. The Wood element enables this Horse to better discipline its mind and it is capable of clear and systematic thinking. The Wood Horse will have a happy disposition and be very active in social affairs. Being amusing and a good conversationalist, this Horse is not overly egoistical and will not constantly vie for the headlines.

The Wood Horse is progressive, modern and unsentimental. It will throw out the old and welcome in the new. Changes and new inventions capture its imagination and it will not shrink from trying the unconventional. The Wood Horse does not have a lazy bone in his body, but he would do well to learn to be more cautious and discerning.

Wooden Horses are most compatible with dogs and tigers and least compatible with rats. Tigers and horses are natural companions, even partners in crime. Both are highly energetic, adventurous and emotional beings.

Dogs and horses are loyal partners. The dog is a good confidante and trusted advisor to the horse and the horse is a champion for the dog. Rats and horses butt heads and don’t work well together. The Rat is considered clannish and possessive, while the Horse is carefree, independent, and afraid of being tied down.

Noteworthy Wooden Horses from 1954:

  • Jerry Seinfeld
  • Jim Belushi
  • John Travolta
  • Denzel Washington
  • Ron Howard
  • Angela Merkel
  • Matt Groening
  • Condoleezza Rice
  • Michael Moore
  • Jackie Chan
  • James Cameron

Did you know?

Leap years occur every 3 years in the Chinese calendar. The Chinese calendar normally features 12 months but occasionally has a leap year consisting of 13 months. The next Chinese Leap Year will be in 2015, the Year of the Sheep. What is your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

Gung Hay Fat Choy !

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