Ah, Valentine’s Day is almost here. Some people think it’s the most romantic day of the year while others dismiss it as a big business holiday where florists, restaurateurs and retailers get a truly healthy spike in their business. US market research tells us that Valentine’s Day sales in 2012 reached $17.6 billion and last year’s sales were $18.6 billion. In 2014, Valentine’s Day is estimated to contribute around $17.3 billion to the economy.
According to one estimate, 60% of all Valentine’s spending occurs in the five days leading up to and including the holiday. That means we’re in the prime Valentine’s spending period right now. With cupid’s arrow falling on a Friday this year, marketers are expected to cash in on Valentine’s Day celebrations extending throughout the long weekend.
A survey of gift-givers indicated that the various combinations of 2014 spending on loved ones would break out as follows:
- Approximately 1/3 of responders will give flowers
- More than 50% will send greeting cards
- Approximately 20% will treat their significant other to something sparkly
- Almost 40% will celebrate with an evening out
- Practical gifts will likely fall in at just over 15%
Valentine’s Day isn’t just for couples
People will also show their appreciation for family members (59.4%) friends (21.7%) teachers (20.4%) and colleagues (12.1%). And like every holiday, most people won’t forget about their pets.19.4 percent will buy gifts for their furry friends.
Has commercialization (and expectations?) spoiled the day for many? And so the celebration of Valentine’s Day goes on, in varied ways. Many will break the bank buying jewelry and flowers for their beloveds. Others will celebrate Single Awareness Day and a few may even be spending the day the same way the early Romans did. But let’s not go there.
Here are some interesting ideas to think about –
Send a candy / card combo gift by spelling out your message with modern day candy heart treats such as “Tweet Me,” “Text Me,” “You Rock,” “Soul Mate,” “Love Bug,” and “Me + You,” “Recipe 4 Love,” “Table 4 Two,” and “Top Chef.”
- How about Chocolate Stout? Granville Island Brewery has an Gold Medal international award winning brew called Imperial Chocolate Stout. Craft Beer Market (Olympic Village) features Storm Black Plague Stout
- Traditional jelly beans have taken on a new life. Jelly Belly now has the world’s first beer flavored jelly bean and offers a 20-flavor Valentine’s Day Gift Box – online
- PayPal has taken their own twist on things with custom poems created on demand
- And for the DIYers, how about a group date at someone’s house and everyone is challenged to create photos using every filter in Instagram or every film style in Hipstamatic ?
Shoppers will be using their mobile devices to share their love on-the-go. Many will turn to their tablets or smartphones before making their final gift decisions; 24 percent will research products and retailers, compare prices and redeem coupons on their smartphones and 32.2 percent will do so on their tablets. Online Valentine’s Day gift buying reports – listen to this
And here is a look at The Business of Valentine’s Day using the bricks and mortar approach
“Love doesn’t have a price tag on it, but all its accessories has.” ~ Unknown