How Fearless Are You?

Fearless by Geof Sheppard (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0

Fearless Image: Geof Sheppard (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0]

How Fearless Are You?

How fearless are you? Every person has some type of fear inside of them. You may be worried or scared about performing well at work. Or you may be afraid that you have developed a serious illness. These are all solid fears but it is the way in which you handle them that counts.

While it can be difficult to face your fears head on, you can still attempt to deal with them bit by bit. If you are concerned about your job performance, start looking for ways to improve this. Maybe you need to learn a new skill or just have more confidence in what you do to become fearless.

When you start to feel more confident others will also see you as more confident. A good way to increase your confidence level is by thinking positively each day. Try using positive affirmations to help you reach your goals. Each morning repeat these affirmations until you truly believe them.

Being Fearless

Being fearless means that you will not allow any fear to get the better of you or hold you back. Instead you take steps to learn how to deal with these issues and look for ways to work around them. Sometimes talking to another person about your fears can be a huge help. You may discover that they have fears as well.

While everyone loves to be known as fearless there are times when being fearless is not good. If you begin to act in a reckless manner you could injure yourself or others around you. There is a fine line between being scared to do something and downright doing something which would be considered foolish.

Conquer fear and become fearless

The best way to conquer any fear is to tackle it slowly, over a period of time. Try to do things that are a little out of your comfort zone so you can push your limits. As you achieve each goal then you should feel proud of what you have just accomplished.

If you continue this process you will discover that your fears aren’t as strong as they once were. Plus your convictions and beliefs will be stronger and this will help you become a more successful person.Flickr By Bengt Nyman

There is nothing wrong in having any type of fear. You just do not want this fear to overtake your life. Instead set yourself small challenges which will help you overcome your fear and allow you to lead the life you really want to.

 “All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws.” – Chinese Proverb

Image: Flickr By Bengt Nyman


Guest Blogger: Judy Mackenzie, MBA, CHRP, CEC PCC, owns and operates TEVO Consulting Inc. for small and medium sized businesses and The Champion’s Mindset, focused on personal development. She is also the author of “Women Rock the Business World – A Planning Guide for Women Entrepreneurs“.

TEVO’s mission is to assist companies in reaching their strategic goals by developing leadership and people management systems that allow employees to be at their best. Judy believes engaged employees are fundamental to business success, and she designs support and management systems to help people and companies achieve their full potential.

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