Year of the Sheep (Goat & Ram)
Although Asian cultures have adopted the Gregorian calendar for practical and business purposes, the most important day around the world continues to be the first day of the first month in the Lunar calendar – Chinese New Year. In 2015 the Year of the Sheep (Goat & Ram).
The Chinese calendar features a cyclical dating method that repeats every 60 years. This year, the Year of the Sheep begins on February 19th and celebrations will continue for 16 days. The Year of the Sheep will officially end on February 7th, 2016. The 2015 year is the 4712th year of the Chinese calendar.
Farewell Horse, Welcome Sheep
Other Asian countries such as Korea, Japan and Vietnam also celebrate Lunar New Year, recognizing similar traditions and horoscopes. Each New Year is associated with an animal based on a twelve year cycle. Taiwanese and Chinese communities will recognize 2015 as the Year of the Sheep. Vietnamese people will honour the Year of the Goat and most Koreans will call it the Year of the Ram.
In Chinese, the animal sign for 2015 is “yang,” an inclusive term for various horned ruminating mammals. In ancient China the breeds of Sheep and Goat in the area looked very similar and no distinction was made until much later. Of course a Sheep and a Ram are the same species – just a different gender. So, Year of the Sheep, Year of the Goat and Year of the Ram are all correct.
Sheep – a much favoured animal
People born in Sheep years (2015, 2003, 1991, 1997, 1955, 1943, 1931, 1919, 1907) are considered artistic, kind, well-mannered, inspired, empathetic and naturally creative. They are quiet, calm, loyal and charming yet very focused and determined. Shy by nature, Sheep people have a tendency to be introspective, seek peace and require solitary peaceful moments to replenish. They are private and do not generally tell you everything there is to know about them until they have tested the waters and are sure they want to reveal themselves to you.
Sheep people are happy to be in the middle of the action and like the comfort of a crowd. They enjoy adding input and opinions but do not wish to take a lead position. They are nurturing, compassionate and helpful. Those born under the Sheep sign are good at keeping the peace and have a special fondness for quiet living. Although, Sheep go with the flow, appear easy-going and relaxed they can also be worriers and inwardly anxious. Chinese see mildness and moderation as virtues in a person. In Korean folklore, sheep (or goats) have long been viewed as a lucky sign that foretells many good things. Sheep make excellent actors, designers, florists, paediatricians, hairdressers, architects, illustrators, musicians and teachers.
The Wooden (or Green) Sheep
The characteristics of each zodiac sign are modified by one of five alchemical elements that add another dimension – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Water creates Wood (water is necessary for plants to grow), Wood creates Fire (fire needs wood to burn), Fire creates Earth (in the form of the ashes that are created in the burning), Earth creates Metal (metal is mined from the earth) and Metal creates Water (water condenses on metal)
2015 is the year of the Wooden Sheep. Wood is the most human of the elements and an element of spring. Wood energy is rising, expanding, and is the force of growth and flexibility. Under the influence of the element Wood, the Sheep is a witty individual who is very thoughtful and is mindful to other’s wishing. The Wooden Sheep is generous, sentimental, has high morals in life and completely trust those individuals that create inspiration in the sheep.
The Wooden Sheep is generally surrounded by a many friends, and enjoys being in the midst of a crowd. People flock to Wooden Sheep, possibly because they are so compassionate and helpful. Their sincerity can be taken advantage of and Wooded Sheep may get their feelings hurt by undeserving sympathy seekers. Wooden Sheep may be self-sacrificing and overly obliging. Sometimes, Wooden Sheep need to suppress their caring ways and take care of themselves.
A few recognizable Sheep People are: Nicole Kidman, Madonna, Julia Roberts, Claire Danes, Lady Diana, Coco Chanel, Barbara Walters, Kate Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Bruce Willis, Mark Twain, Muhammad Ali, Pierre Trudeau, Benicio Del Toro, Chow Yun-Fat.
Looking ahead – Year of the Sheep
This year of the Sheep (Goat & Ram) is going to be very lucky for those born in the year of Sheep. It will be fairly good for the other animal signs as well. The Sheep is the eighth sign in the Chinese calendar and symbolizes good fortune, peace, and abundance. The number “8” is considered a lucky number according to the Chinese beliefs. The number is also believed to represent prosperity and peace.
The year 2015 will be an exciting one and the time to explore creative talents and the cultivation of beauty. The Sheep is Yin energy, a symbol of peace, harmonious co-existence and tranquility which will be the primary and fundamental mood for this year. The hectic pace of one’s life will be slowed down. It will be a time of calm and contentment. Family, close friends, and intimacy will be more valued and relaxing travel will be highlighted.
The Year of the Sheep will be a nurturing year. A year of healing and a year of banding together in faith and belief that good will prevail. The emphasis will be on joining forces to fight evil and destruction, get back to basics and using greater intuition to find solutions to problems that have been plaguing the world for some time. Remember – Sheep only move forward. These animals are unable to move backwards or sideways.
Five best places to celebrate Chinese New Year in North America
Your Chinese Horoscope – Year of the Sheep
You will be able to better interpret your Chinese horoscope if you put yourself into a more Chinese frame of mind. Chinese philosophy draws heavily on Buddhism; individuals are encouraged to accept whatever happens without fighting against it – a great contrast to Western thinking. In Eastern philosophy, one goes with the flow. In Western thought, one is always trying to swim upstream.
For fun, have a look at your individual horoscope. Click on the Chinese zodiac sign that corresponds to your birth year to find out your fortune for Career, Money Love and Health in the Year of Sheep.
Rat | Cow | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Chicken | Dog | Pig |
1900 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 | 1901 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 | 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 | 1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 | 1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 | 1905 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 | 1906 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 | 1907 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 | 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 | 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 | 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 | 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 |
So on Thursday, February 19th, whether you say Gong Xi Fa Cai, (Mandarin) or Gung Hay Fat Choy (Cantonese) it all means the same thing –