On July 1st, Canada, the world’s greatest country will be enjoying our 149th Canada Day celebration!
It was July 1, 1867 that Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces – Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. The anniversary of this date was called Dominion Day until 1982. Since 1983, July 1 has been officially known as Canada Day.
Canada Day is a celebration of Canadian nationalism, heritage and pride. The day is filled with a variety of festivities including parades, firework displays, the flying of flags, Military and RCMP performances, the painting of Maple Leafs on body parts, summer family picnics, salmon festivals, parades and a whole host of other activities.
This year Canada Day is on a Wednesday. There is just too much happening from coast to coast to miss out on any festivities on this patriotic day of celebration! And of course, don’t miss out on events at Canada Place in Vancouver, either. For those locals, here are the events to catch this year in the BC Lower Mainland. You may be planning your own party with all kinds of crazy and unconventional ideas like the Chasing Sunrise Event on Mount Seymour!
“When I’m in Canada, I feel this is what the world should be like.”
~Jane Fonda, American actress and daughter of Canadian born Frances Ford Seymour (Brockville, ON)
Canadians and Canadisms
Sure, there are a number of clichés and stereotypes often associated with being Canadian. Probably the most common one is politeness. Canadians often hear the standard joke “How do you get twenty drunken Canadians out of your swimming pool? Answer: You say, “Please get out of the pool.” While Canadians are generally considered to be well-mannered, good-natured and under-the-radar type folks, we have given the world some of its most impressive inventions and recognized personalities as well as significant contributions.
Notable Canadian Inventions
- Telephone, Walkie Talkie and AM Radio
- Standard Time, the Odometer and the Fog Horn
- The Canada Arm
- Snowmobile (Ski Doo), Snow Blower and Wheelchair Accessible Buses
- All things Electric – Light Bulb, Wheelchair, Microscope, Oven, Car Heater and Music Synthesizer
- Prosthetic Hand, Insulin as a treatment for diabetes and the Electronic Pacemaker
- Paper, Plexiglas, Plastic Garbage Bags, the Egg Carton, Robertson Screw, Paint Roller and the Alkaline Battery
- The Zipper, Baggage Tag
- Java Programming, Key-Frame Animation and Blackberry
- IMAX Theatre Technology
- Trivial Pursuit, the Jolly Jumper
Truly Canadian Food & Beverages
- Canola Oil and McIntosh Red Apples
- Peanut Butter and Pablum
- Canada Dry Ginger Ale
- The Bloody Caesar and Rye Whiskey
- Butter Tarts and Nanaimo Bars
- Nabob Coffee and Red Rose Tea
- Coffee crisp, Crispy Crunch and Ketchup Potato Chips
- Poutine! And here is the Mediterranean version.
Sports originating in Canada
- Ice Hockey and Lacrosse
- Basketball and Canadian Football
- Five-Pin Bowling
- The Instant Replay
Proudly Canadian Personalities
- Architects Frank Gehry and Arthur Erickson
- Astronauts Chris Hadfield and Roberta Bondar
- Film Actors Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Michael J. Fox, Taylor Kitsch, The Rock, Keifer Sutherland, Rachel McAdams, Ellen Page, Carrie Anne Moss,
- Comedians Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Howie Mandel, Martin Short, Seth Rogen, Catherine O’Hara, Andrea Martin
- Film Directors James Cameron, David Cronenberg, Sarah Polley and Deepa Metha
- Producers Lorne Michaels, Paul Haggis, Norman Jewison, Louis B. Mayer, David Foster
- Musicians Paul Anka, Bryan Adams, Neil Young, Robbie Robertson, Burton Cummings, Sara McLachlan, KD Lang, Diana Krall, Joni Mitchell, Avril Lavigne, Jann Arden
- Authors Margaret Atwood, Margaret Lawrence, Alice Munroe, Leonard Cohen, Farley Mowat, Stephen Leacock, Michael Ondaatje
- Athletes Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Gilles Villeneuve, Donovan Bailey, Steve Nash, Terry Fox, Nancy Green, Clara Hughes, Sarah Burke,
- Trekkies – Scottie and Captain Kirk
Animals Unique to Canada
- Killer Whales, Polar Bears and the Arctic Fox
- Sable Island Horse
- Black and Rare White Spirit Bears
- North American Elk, Peary Caribou and Wood Bison
- Canada Geese, Vancouver Island Marmot and Lemmings
- Eskimo Dog, Newfoundland, Labrador Retriever, Nova Scotia Duck Trolling Retriever
- Sphynx, Tonkinese and Cymric Cats
Did you know this about Canada?
- On Canada Day in Victoria the community will demonstrate their national pride by participating in the annual “Living Flag” human art piece on the Legislature Lawns.
- Officially known as the Canadian Forces 431 Air Demonstration Squadron, the Snowbirds perform their iconic Canada Day flight over Parliament Hill on 1 July.
- On Canada Day in London, England, street hockey is played in Trafalgar Square, in front of the National Gallery
- Annual celebrations also take place in Hong Kong, entitled Canada D’eh and held on June 30
- July 1 is a statutory holiday in Canada unless it falls on a Sunday; then it moves to July 2.
- On February 15th, 1965, the modern Canadian flag, bearing its hallmark maple leaf, was raised for the first time on Parliament Hill, almost a hundred years after Confederation, replacing the British Union Jack.
The maple leaf is an internationally recognized symbol of Canada; symbolizing unity, tolerance, and peace.
- The US and Canada share the largest un-defended border in the world.
- The Superman character was co-created by Canadian-born artist Joe Shuster
- Canada was the first country outside of Europe to pass the Civil Marriage act giving same-sex couple the same right and privileges as heterosexual pairings.
- 56% of Canadians have a passport while just 37% of Americans do
- Forbes reported that Canada is the best country in the world to do business because of lower corporate tax rates, excellent infrastructure and a well-educated populace.
- Canada has greater social mobility with the odds of realizing the American Dream in Canada being significantly higher than in the US.
- New research states, Canada rates at the top in air quality.
- The Stanley Cup was originally named The Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup and was commissioned by Lord Stanley of Preston, Governor General of Canada
- Canadian Beer is recognized around the world and consumption is disproportionately domestic compared to that of other countries.
- We can go to Cuba and our southern neighbors can’t – yet!
Check out your Canadian Geography in this all Canadian quiz. (a little embarrassing!)
OK – here is the fun version of the history of Canada and the American version of Canada’s Independence.
Happy Birthday Canada!
Every country has a national anthem, and Canada—with its O’ Canada—is no exception. National anthems are symbols meant to bring people together, crystallizing their sense of belonging and collective identity.
With Canada’s great beer making heritage, Molson’s does an exceptional job of honoring Canada Day. Here is a MUST SEE video The Beer Fridge and Sarah MacLaughlan singing the Canadian Anthem Go ahead, sing along!
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land, glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee;
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,
Great prairies spread and Lordly rivers flow!
How dear to us thy broad domain,
From East to Western sea!
The land of hope for all who toil,
The true North strong and free!
God keep our land, glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies,
May Stalwart sons, and gentle maidens rise.
To keep thee steadfast thro’ the years,
From East to Western sea.
Our own beloved native land,
Our true North strong and free!
God keep our land, glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our Dominion, in thy loving care.
Help us to find, O God, in thee,
A lasting rich reward.
As waiting for the better day,
We ever stand on guard.
God keep our land, glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
Since Canada is a bilingual country, here is the en Francaise version of our National Anthem.
For a giggle you might want to catch up on your Canadian Slang.