Warning Signs an Employee Needs to be Let Go

hire fire

Know when to hold, know when to fold

hire_staff_management_07Every manager at some point in their career (and most likely more than once) comes to a point where they have to face to music – know when to hold, know when to fold – on an employee. Being a manager means having to fire someone at least once in a career. There is no shame in it – for either party.

Managing people is one of the toughest challenges for any of manager – regardless of level. Coming to the final decision that someone must be fired often results in a few nights of lost sleep. Once the decision is made, the worst is over.

I was fortunate to have worked for a very street smart VP/mentor over a ten year period. He regularly shared his wisdom with me. I learned a valuable lesson early on and then passed it to my own team managers. I quote “You are accountable for your people – whether they perform or they don’t perform. If it is the latter, deal with it – fast. The longer you wait or procrastinate, the worse things will get and the bigger the mess is to clean up. Why lose credibility as a manager with the rest of your team?”

Is there a fox in the hen house?

Is there someone on the team that regularly drains productivity? Do they slow the ability of the business to grow? Is someone always missing in action? Have you noticed regular discomfort and conflict in the group? Has a “whatever” attitude been noticed throughout the company? Have customer complaints increased? Is someone always deflecting blame onto someone or something else? Has morale diminished? Has one-on-one coaching and performance plans failed to produce positive results? Are you being held hostage?

At the first sign of trouble, talk to your manager. Can the situation be turned around? Is this a ‘problem’ inherited from a previous manager who failed to address issues? Does that mean the employee now believes their behavior is acceptable? What about HR? You’d be surprised how much they know.  Is there anything in the employee file that has been overlooked? Have you presented the case in a clear and specific manner? From there, the three of you can determine your options and steps that need to be taken. What does your manager expect from you? What does HR expect from you? Does it make sense to begin conducting a confidential search for a replacement?

The writing is on the wall

It is time to take action. The greatest disservice any manager can to their team, the company, customers, oneself and the problem employee is doing nothing. When it is obvious there is no chance to reform the person, why let the rest of the team suffer? Unless they have the hide of an elephant, it has to be torturous to problem person to remain in the situation. Do them (and everyone else) a favor and release them from an unhappy and unhealthy situation. The repercussions of doing nothing are deadly.

Assuming the situation cannot be reversed; firing someone may still not an easy decision to make.  It takes time to get all the required details right and it can also a big deal emotionally. I am not an HR Manager or a Lawyer so I won’t get into the specifics and legalities of ‘the process’. Suffice to say that having spent several years as a people manager, I was taught by a couple of very clever HR people how to deal with a problem once it arose. I also learned that firing someone, without going through due process, is possible. Just make sure that you budgeted for it because there is a price tag attached.

fireMy approach has always been use kindness and make sure it always begins with honesty. It is a total mistake to believe that it’s ‘nicer’ not to give honest feedback or address the problem(s) head-on. Leaving someone in the dark is not fair. Blindsiding an employee (IMHO) is actually cruel – it also eliminates their option to quit. Take a deep breath. You may find that the employee is actually as relieved as you to know the end is up. Firing someone isn’t personal, it’s just business.

“Make yourself accountable and your employees will hold themselves to a high standard.”

~ David J. Greer, Co-founder Robelle Software, Coach and Author of Wind in Your Sails

Please find below a really great article on this subject. Randy Conley has kindly agreed that I can repost his writings.


9 Warning Signs an Employee Needs to be Let Go

“We need to let you go.”

Oomph! Those words feel like a punch to the gut of the employee on the receiving end, and for the leader delivering the bad news, those words create anxiety and many sleepless nights leading up to that difficult conversation.

No leader likes to see an employee fail on the job. From the moment we start the recruitment process, through interviewing, hiring, and training, our goal is to set up our employees for success. It takes a tremendous amount of time, energy, and expense to bring new people into the organization and ramp them up to full productivity, so it’s in everyone’s vested interest to see an employee succeed. Yet we all know there are situations that, for whatever reason, an employee struggles on the job and there isn’t much hope of turning it around.

I recently met with a group of HR professionals and line managers to debrief employee termination situations. As we reviewed the cases at hand, the following nine signs emerged as warning signals, that had they been heeded early on in the employee’s career, a termination decision could have been made much earlier in the process that would have saved everyone a lot of heartache and the company a lot of money. Any one of these signs is alarming in and of itself, but when you combine all of them together…lookout! That ship is sinking fast.

Randy Conley sinking-shipNine Warning Signs an Employee Needs to be Let Go

1. Things don’t improve with a change of scenery – Maybe it’s the relationship with their boss, certain peers, or the nature of the work has changed and the employee is struggling to perform at his best. Whatever the reason, moving the employee to another role or department can get him back on track. I’ve done it myself and have seen it work. But if you’ve given the employee another chance by giving him a change of scenery and it’s still not working out, you should be concerned. The scenery probably isn’t the problem.

2. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells around the employee – We all have personality quirks and some people are more difficult to work with than others, but when an employee becomes cancerous to the morale and productivity of the team and everyone feels like they have to walk on eggshells around the person for fear of incurring their wrath, you’ve got a serious problem. Don’t underestimate the destructive power of a toxic, unpredictable employee.

3. Emotional instability – Part of being a mature adult is being able to manage your emotions and it’s critically important in a professional workplace. If you have an employee that demonstrates severe emotional mood swings on the job and in their relationships with others, you need to pursue the proper legal and ethical guidelines in dealing with him to provide the support he needs. Don’t ignore the behavior by chalking it up to the heat of the moment, the stress of the job, or excusing it by saying “Oh, that’s just Joe being Joe.” (No offense to all the Joe’s out there.)

4. Trouble fitting into the company culture – Perhaps one of the earliest signs that you have a failing employee is noticing him having significant trouble adapting to the culture of the organization. There is a natural transition time for any new employee, but if you’re constantly hearing the employee make negative comments about how the company operates and criticizing leadership, or not developing solid relationships with others and becoming part of the team, warning alarms should be going off in your head.

5. Blames others, makes excuses, and challenges authority – You know the incredibly loud sound of air raid sirens used in civil defense situations? That’s the sound you should be hearing if you have an employee with a track record of blaming others and making excuses for his poor performance. Troubled employees will often challenge authority by trying to lay the blame at the boss’ feet by saying things like “You should have done this…” or “You didn’t address that problem…” or whatever the case may be. If you have an employee who always seems to be involved in drama, ask yourself “What (or more appropriately ‘who’) is the common denominator in these situations?”

6. Distorts or manipulates the truth – I’ve dealt with employees who were very skilled at manipulating or distorting the truth. In whatever difficult situation they were in, they would find a kernel of truth to justify and excuse their involvement to the point that I would feel compelled to side with them. I learned you have to be discerning and consistent in your approach to dealing with manipulative people and make sure you document your interactions so you have sufficient data to support your termination decision.

7. Unseen gaps in performance – One of the most challenging situations is when an employee seems to be performing well by outside appearances, but when you explore behind the scenes you discover there are gaps in performance. Maybe it’s sloppy work, not following correct procedures, or even worse, being intentionally deceptive or unethical. Be careful, things may not always be as they seem.

8. A trail of broken relationships – Employees don’t have to be BFF’s with all of their coworkers, but they do need to respect others and be able to work together. A person may be a high-performer in the tasks of his job, but if he can’t get along with other people and has a history of damaging relationships with colleagues, eventually there will come a point where his contributions are outweighed by the damage and drama he creates.

9. Passive-aggressive behavior – You know those smiley-face emoticons at the end of slightly sarcastic and critical emails? A classic example of passive-aggressive behavior where the sender is trying to couch his criticism in feigned-humor. This is toxic and can be hard to manage because it manifests itself in so many ways that appear to be innocuous in and of themselves. Veiled jokes, procrastination, sullenness, resentment, and deliberate or repeated failure to follow-through on tasks are all signs of passive-aggressive behavior. Be careful…very careful.

Before an employee is terminated, a leader needs to look in the mirror and honestly answer this question: “Have I done everything possible to help this person succeed?” If the answer to that question is “no,” then you owe it to the employee, and yourself, to put more effort into turning things around. However, if the answer is “yes,” then it’s time to make the hard decision and let them go.


Randy ConleyRandy Conley is the Vice President of Client Services & Trust Practice Leader for The Ken Blanchard Companies. He has been named a Top 100 Thought Leader in Trustworthy Business Behavior by Trust Across America. Randy holds a Masters Degree in Executive Leadership from the University of San Diego. You can follow Randy on Twitter @RandyConley where he shares thoughts on leadership and trust.

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